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Acumen For Corporate Training


Acumen facilitates scheduled courses where learners attend real time video enabled lectures at specified timings.

The entire course follows a structured format, meaning lectures, discussions and submissions happen at a specified time.


Employees also have the option of taking up unstructured courses which allow them to learn at their own pace.

They are provided the content beforehand, and given a deadline before which they need to complete course readings and assignment submissions.

Acumen for Management

Build courses for employees of each department, monitor course progress and personalize each employee’s learning paths. Inculcate a culture of social learning, improve employee performances and conduct effective review sessions.

  • Create Video Content 
    Record lessons using laptops, tablets, or even smartphones. Use the screencast feature to capture slideshows and whiteboard annotations. After recording, use the editing tools to crop the video; add descriptions, tags, subtitles, and attachments. Upload video to central content repository.
  • Manage Training Sessions 
    Track trainee attendance, conduct in-class group activities and engage trainees with individualized quizzes and tests via training management tools.
  • Monitor Employee Progress 
    Track test scores and course completion time via performance analytics.
  • Expand Scope for Learning 
    Enable employees to learn from each other, have open discussions, engage in social and informal learning via forum and group chat and video collaborations.
  • Enhance Employee Performance 
    Boost sales, improve communications, execute projects better by providing useful courses.
  • Simplify Performance Reviews 
    View reports on courses completed by an employee, assessments, and skills attained.

Acumen for Employees

Access relevant courses, acquire new skill sets and see career growth. Complete courses at your convenience, compete with colleagues and receive guidance from subject experts.

  • Find the Right Course 
    Enable learners to easily navigate through the course catalog by providing filters based on language, subject, specialization, and learning outcomes.
  • Learn on the Go 
    Access training material, take tests and submit assignments from anywhere, with easy mobile access.
  • Consult Subject Experts 
    Post questions, also share ideas and provide solutions on Acumen’s employee forum.
  • Compete With Peers 
    Complete courses faster, score higher on tests and top the leaderboard via Gamification.
  • See Career Growth
    Upgrade skills and grow in the organization across teams or within the team by completing the required courses.

All Features

Content Management

  • Create a structured digital content library system topic-wise and course-wise
  • Create, remove or edit content with built in content editor (supports simple text: font size, font colour, font highlight color, font alignment, bold, italic, underline, numbers, bullets, superscript, subscript; special content and multimedia integration: functions, embedded image, embedded video, embedded link, embedded code block)
  • Manage who can view or edit content with content rights management
  • Upload documents (Microsoft office document formats: .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .pdf, .txt, .rtf; Open office document formats:.odt, .ods, .odp) and compressed file format (.zip)
  • Upload media: Video (.mp4, .webm, .mkv, .avi), audio (.mp3, .wav), image (.png, .jpg, .gif, .tff) and compressed file format (.zip)
  • Upload YouTube videos by pasting YouTube link
  • Preview documents using inbuilt document previewer and download uploaded documents (restricted by permissions)
  • Add questionnaires to topics (Multiple choice questions, Multiple Response Questions and True/False Questions)

Course Management

  • Manage course students and instructors
  • Add students and instructor to course and assign users to instructor
  • Add multiple topics to each course
  • Create feedback or choose feedback type for each course and view feedback for each session in each course
  • Choose codec type (VP8, VP9 and H.264) for each course
  • Enable or disable synchronous classes (live) for each course
  • Create (using assignment editor) or upload assignment questions to each topic in a course
  • Generate attendance report for each session for today, or for past seven days, or for past thirty days or for a custom time period

User Management

  • Create new users based on roles and assign to courses or groups
  • Provide single sign-on with Gmail and facebook
  • Mass import users in Open XML format (sample format provided)
  • Export users as Open XML Spreadsheet file (accessible in Microsoft office, Open Office and Apple Pages)
  • Edit, view or remove existing users
  • Generate attendance reports and performance (grading) for each user for each course

Assessments & Grading

  • Create assessments as assignments, quizzes & polls
  • Question types: Fill in, MCQs, subjective or objective
  • Auto-grade with grade assistant
  • Grade quickly with rubric style grading assistant

Live virtual classroom

  • WebRTC based client-free virtual classroom with embedded whiteboard, hand raise, screen Sync
  • Continuous presence upto 25 participants in forwarding architecture and upto 99 participants in mixing architecture
  • Supports ultraHD (4k), QuadHD (2k), FullHD (1080p), HD (720p), VGA (480p) and SIF (240p)
  • Calendar module (day, month, agenda) with class scheduling with recurring schedule support
  • Presenter Mode with intelligent Sync that takes student to the same location as the host without screenshare (withoutconsumingextra video bandwidth)
  • Record live classroom sessions locally (on-premise) and on server (on-cloud)
  • Requires a minimum bandwidth of 350 KBPS and opening of ports if under firewall

In-class collaboration tools

  • Screenshare / Document share/ Presentation share/ Application share
  • Upload institution(college) details
  • Interactive whiteboard with stylus and mouse inputs (draw shapes, text and graphics)
  • Group chat with ability to share any document or image file (upto 20 MB)
  • Conduct user polls with poll question creation and moderation options
  • Guest invite through one click invitation link via email from the system

Section or Group Management

  • Create a group or a section with certain set of students
  • Add or remove students from a group
  • Assign a course to a group
  • Add assignments and tests to particular group
  • Create different date of submissions for assessments and assignments for different groups

Learning User Profile

  • First name and last name information
  • “About Me” summary and gender details
  • Contact details: Email, Phone number and Address
  • Workplace details: Company name, Description, Holding position, Address, City, Country and duration of work
  • Professional skills and certification details
  • College details: college name, description, City, country, graduation period and concentration
  • High School details: school name, description, City, country and study duration
  • Portfolio website and social media profile details
  • User password update

Conversations and discussions

  • Create and manage discussion forums topic-wise
  • Private chat and group chat with file sharing (Microsoft Office and Open Office documents, pdf, jpg, png and gif)
  • Broadcast announcements to all the users in a particular course
  • Hand-raise (live chat) during live in-class discussions
  • Make a particular student speaker during a live class

Video Technology Intelligence

  • Firewall traversal through Proxy
  • Automatic additional hardware detection even during the call
  • Multiple camera detection on the fly and ability to change camera inputs during the call
  • Presence based contacts and private chat

CSRF protected

  • 128 bit AES encryption
  • TTLS for video security
  • SRTP for transportation security
  • CSRF protected

Virtual Classroom Architecture

  • Distributed conference architecture
  • High availability (quick reconnect in cases of shut down)
  • Forward and mixing conference support
  • Dynamic resolution switching during video call
  • Bandwidth management
  • Multiple CODEC support (VP8, VP9 and H.264)
  • Incoming video framerate management (quality vs. speed)

Device and OS support

  • Works on all operating systems (Windows, MacOS and Linux via full WebRTC supported browsers like Google Chrome)
  • Accessible through Android App on Google Playstore and iOS App on Apple App store

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