
Digitally Transforming Enterprises

Through Video/Audio Enablement

Enterprises are undergoing major transformational changes, shifting towards digital processes. They aim for faster communication within the organization, efficient and effective training and skill development strategies, and rise in performance standards.

Challenges Faced by the Enterprise Sector Include:

Create an allround collaborative environment

Involve all stakeholders to optimize performance

Reliable communication channels and faster decision making

Scalable employee training strategies

PeopleLink Video Enabled Solutions offering rich content sharing with superior quality audio solutions address these challenges by empowering educators and learners to experience exceptional, high-impact learning.

Use Cases

The Challenge
  • Bring together dispersed account teams, clients, and their best ideas together in one place
  • Make it easy for different creative teams that need to work together
  • Speed up time-sensitive design feedback
The Solution
  • With PeopleLink InstaVC, scattered creative teams can collaborate virtually.
  • Clients can conduct reviews in real time and finalise on designs faster.
The Outcome
  • Decisions made faster, eliminating time and distance barriers.
  • Increase in productivity during collaboration.
The Challenge
  • Clients need help installing products
  • Improper telephonic communication
  • Dissatisfied clients
The Solution
  • With PeopleLink InstaVC, clients can have a live video session with a product expert.
  • Client servicing agents can guide clients in real time video, enhancing customer experience.
The Outcome
  • Enhanced customer service.
  • Confidence instilled in clients. Clients are satisfied.

Internal Multi-location Meetings

Large companies with multiple branch offices are required to stay connected and hold meetings to review branch-wise sales and review performance of every department. Managers and other key stakeholders are all required to be present at such important meetings.


Virtual Training using vLMS

An enterprise invests heavily in employee training and skill development programs. Each department requires training in various fields like communication, sales and marketing, and time management to name a few. The same training methodology has to be implemented across all branches of the organization.

PeopleLink’s Acumen is a vLMS that is scalable and focuses on simplifying training across the organization. Trainers can teach, hand out assignments, and support learners who in turn can access courses online, interact with peers, and engage in social and informal learning.

Remote Interviews

Global organizations are constantly expanding bases and recruiting new employees simultaneously. Combing for fresh talent, screening thousands of applicants and conducting interviews poses a massive challenge.

PeopleLink’s InstaVC is a video conferencing software that offers multi-party conferencing, unmistakable audio clarity and video quality of upto 4K, and the ability to function on bandwidth as low as 20kbps. It is the perfect solution for conducting interviews involving multiple parties.


CMS & Lecture Capture:

The challenge in recording training sessions for live or later distribution and remote viewing necessitates having in place a hardware and software solution that can reliably and cleanly capture information and stream it. PeopleLink has the hardware and software to do this namely specialty LT cameras, high-end camera control systems, automated camera tracking system. PeopleLink InstaCast automates session capture. It is a presenter-controlled camera system incorporating both monitor-based tracking and camera preset tracking.

Success Stories

Transform Your Organization With Industry-Leading AV