Netik Quick Clinic, Developed by PeopleLink, is Made For Easier Healthcare Consultation Services.
Business Requirement
Health & Patient Services Pty Ltd, an Australian company was looking for a technology partner to develop a specialized telemedicine software that could remotely connect patient with a doctor on a video call. Since the technology had to connect the patient to available doctor on-demand and in real time the software had to be highly reliable. GPP wanted a technology that could scale instantly at any moment, as the actual demand for online healthcare consultation varies. Health & Patient Services wanted to launch an on demand healthcare consultation service in India under the brand name of Netik Quick Clinic.
Technologies Evaluated
GPP evaluated the pros and cons of various providers who had a major say in the market and zeroed in on PeopleLink. The ease of use, flexibility, scalability, and reliability of PeopleLink product made it easier for decision makers at GPP. The in house PeopleLink Pulse telemedicine software was further customized to fit the customer requirement of on-demand video call routing and was later launched under brand name of Netik Quick Clinic.
Solutions Deployed
The PeopleLink Pulse telemedicine which had the capabilities of multiparty video conference, registration, E-prescription, sharing test results, and payment system, was further developed to include the ability to intelligently route incoming video calls to available doctor. The product is designed for scalability and security to protect patient information.
Business Results Achieved By Using PeopleLink Pulse Solution
Netik Quick Clinic is now available to consumers under subscription model. The patient subscribes for a set number of consultation calls he can make on demand. The simplicity of the application enabled Netik Quick Clinic to onboard many customers quickly. The technology provided by PeopleLink supported high call quality in each consultation that happed on the Netik’s platform. Netik Quick Clinic has partnered with Heycare to deliver medicine to patient’s home on prescription making the experience of online healthcare consultation seamless.