Video Enablement-PeopleLink’s Technological Footprints
- September 30, 2021
- Posted by: PeopleLink
- Category: Blogs

Evolution of the video technology for remote communication
The concept of video conferencing can be dated back to the later part of the 19th century in Europe and United States of America. This evolution resulted from the repetitive experiments in the field of telecommunication. The very first embodiment of the video conferencing device was named as video-telephone or videophone. The video technology entered the crucial phase of development in the later half of 1920 both in UK and the US with John Logie Baird and AT&T Bell Labs contributing to it. However, it was only in the later part of the 20th century, with powerful video codecs, Internet broadband and ISDN services that video conferencing became a more acceptable technology for regular usage (Wikipedia)
Video enablement solutions for business verticals
PeopleLink is the pioneer in the domain of software-based video conferencing. After catering clients with a wide range of software based products and high-end video peripherals, we are now eyeing to integrate video into the regular business workflow. Here is a brief look on how we are utilizing technology for making business communication effective and more productive.
VLMS (Video Enabled Learning Management System) Ever since, distance learning and online education gained its share of limelight, the need for managed learning became imminent. A learning management system has become the basic requirement of all educational institutes. We have thought out of the box to integrate video into the learning management system to increase its usability. This had made synchronous learning break the walls of the classroom and reach remote students. The students are allowed face-to-face learning experience similar to the brick and mortar classroom. They are allowed to virtually collaborate with the lecturer for clarification of doubts and also with their peers through personal or public chats. They can access the recorded lectures saved in form of an inbuilt library for recapitulation or reference in case of his/her absence from during the LIVE lectures. The educators are also benefited by the easy content up-gradation, auto assessment and gradation system provided through this platform.
The VLMS is the perfect solution for corporate learning, filling in the requisition of remote employee training and induction programs.
PeopleCare – Healthcare tops our priority list. However, visiting a doctor still brings in the pictures of troublesome appointment process, endless queues and redundant clinic visits. We have decided to hit these pain points with our PeopleCare solution. It is a TeleMedicine platform that allows easy selection of the specialist, booking appointments and payment options, remote consultation, diacom images and e-prescriptions sharing. PeopleCare is a great platforms for organizing and storing medical records for future usage. It can be also utilized to record the entire consultation session which can be stored and can be later used as medical evidence whenever required. The Healthcare service providers can be at the receiving end of the endless benefits from revolutionary platform. They can now get more exposure to remote patients and move up on the reliability scale by reducing the wait time and offering home based consultancy.
VMulakat – This platform is mostly dedicated for the governance usage. Apart from making inter-departmental communication faster and easier, vMulakat has been an effective medium for the commoners to reach out to their elected government representatives for grievance redressal. It has also been an effective tool for the Judiciary for carrying out virtual trials. Prisons across the country are using this platform to remotely connecting the convicts to their families or offering TeleHealthcare services to the inmates without compromising on the security.
PeopleLink has been exceptionally successful in integrating video into the regular banking processes through video enabled kiosks, smart banking and vATMS. The customers can directly connect with the executives and resolve banking related issues. The video collaboration has also helped the banks and financial institutions (BFSI) to advertise their recent schemes directly to their customers and thus leverage better growth opportunities.
Apart from these, video enabled digital signage, which, along with taking care of the advertising needs, act as a platform to virtually connect far-flung teams are mostly designed keeping in mind the requirement of the retail sector.
At, PeopleLink, we intend to come up with technologies to assist our clients become indispensable for their end-customers. We have more to offer. Get in touch to know about our recent innovations in video enablement and virtual collaboration technology.