Why is video enablement imperative for small and mid-sized businesses?
- September 30, 2021
- Posted by: PeopleLink
- Category: Blogs

Small and mid-sized businesses (SMB) are eyeing latest technologies for advancement. The emergence of video enabled work processes have driven them towards an over-all growth. The adoption of video technology within the daily work processes have offered SMBs a smarter way of enterprise level collaboration.
Here is a quick synopsis of benefits of video enablement for SMBs
Mobile office space– Work is not about going to office, it is all about getting your job done. Hiring an office space is expensive. Start-ups and small businesses lack sufficient funds to have a formal office setup for themselves. Integrating video technology to their work process can help them have a mobile work-space. The employees can stay connected to their job, join ad hoc meetings with stakeholders and reach out to out-stationed clients virtually. Video enablement encourages multi-locational existence irrespective to the size of the business.
More productive workforce– It is not always easy to prevent important business meetings from being red-flagged by bad weather. Video enabling the enterprise communication helps in establishing virtual connections for meetings and important decision making. Needless to mention smart presence and punctuality, ensures happy clients and profitable business deals. Virtual connectivity can replace ‘rainy days’ or ‘missed flights’ with enhanced productivity.
Smart businesses can have smart employees – Not only employers look out for smart employees, employees too involve in a lot of research before they find the right place to work. A smart hiring process involving video interviews enhances the image of a business, enlisting it among the “best places to work” for prospective employees. The SMBs can also look beyond the local talent pools to select the right candidates.
An effective money saver – Video enabled communication system reaches out to distant clients virtually; saving organizations from hiring area-based professionals to handle and cater to clients. A video conferencing may not replace business travels entirely but it can certainly bring it down, thus saving the transit cost.
A video enabled digital signage is the most effective marketing tool and customer care help desk, targeting customers with personalized messages, engaging them with interactive content and re-targeting them with offers and discounts.
More ROI – When you are saving a lot of money hiring smart, remote and productive workers, the ROI is bound to skyrocket. The biggest challenge for SMBs, especially start-ups is to sustain themselves. An increased ROI allows them to look beyond sustainability and probe into better growth options.
Competitive Advantage -“The enterprise video market is expected to grow from an estimated USD 16.34 Billion in 2017 to USD 40.84 Billion by 2022, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 20.1%” (MarketsandMarkets.com). This is enough to comprehend that businesses are moving towards upgraded video technologies to capture their share of the market. Organizations are adopting cutting-edge video technologies to stay ahead of their competitors. Yet another strong reason in favour of video enablement.
We, at PeopleLink are trying to make growth easier for SMBs through completely customized video enabled work processes. Video is an intrinsic part of any business, we have integrated it effectively to transform regular business processes into more smarter ones. Want to know more? Get in touch.