120 Classrooms In Africa Under DMI-St. Eugene Now Uses PeopleLink’s Video Conferencing Solutions For E-Learning

About DMI St Eugene
- The University is named offer Saint Eugene De Mozenod, who is the Founder of Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI), to which the Very. Rev. Fr. J. E. Arul Raj, Founder of DMI congregation belongs.
- Currently the university operates from a spacious and well equipped campus at infrastructure in the Archbishop Medordo J. Mozombwe Campus at Woodlands, LUSAKA, and soon will odd new campus 16 km from the city centre along Great Northern road.
Business Requirement / Challenges
The Institute is running around 20 Schools and Colleges in India and d Groups of Institutions in Africa in Zambia and Tanzania through Charitable Foundations (DFT). As the procurement was being done for the African notion colleges, wherein they God low bandwidth connectivity across the Institutes, they wanted a robust solution which could collaborate the different classrooms.
Technologies Evaluated
DMI-St. Eugene was evaluating virtual classroom. This Evaluation was done with several Video Conferencing OEMs like, Avaya (Rodvision) and LifeSize.
Solutions Deployed
They are using our solution wherein they love 20 studios from where they have connected 120 Class Room’s across various institutions across Africa and their daily Classes are happening through our Video Conference Solution. As they have institutions in other continents also they would be going for another additional d0 licenses shortly within this financial period. From the date they had gone with the initial purchase of our 33 in number PeopleLink Video Conference licenses till date they have expanded our server’s up to 143 Ports and later they procured our Video accessories.
Business Results Achieved By Using PeopleLink
- DMI-St. Eugene successfully conducts multi-location e-learning classes over PeopleLink Video Conferencing across the African Continent.
- Ability to invite expert guest speakers to train their students from around the world.