Deployment Of HD AV Peripherals For Seamless Internal Communication At 6 Reid & Taylor Offices
About Reid & Taylor
Reid & Taylor (India) Ltd., is a subsidiary of SKNL. Synonymous with British tradition, Reid & Taylor has been styling the world’s elite for over 170 years. It all began in the 1830’s with Alexander Reid, an enterprising Scottish gentleman, embarking on a journey to make his vision a reality. Using locally available Cheviot wool he created Cheviot cloth that soon caught on the fancy of the landed gentry. As the clientele and reputation grew, he was joined by financer Joseph Taylor. Thus, began the enduring partnership of creating finest cloths in the world, which today is better known as Reid & Taylor. Reid & Taylor continues the journey to create the finest fabric passionately and has thus carved out a distinguished name for itself in the industry
Business Requirement / Challenges
The Reid & taylor is one of the leading fashion cloths brand all around India. It has got ample number of branches and offices at various locations in each city of India. The communication or interaction between the offices was initially done through telephone or through mails. They have planned to integrate a simple video conferencing solution for providing an effective communication interface between their branch offices.
Solution Offered
We have given connected their 6 offices on High Definition with AV Peripherals for modernizing their offices. We had done an On-Premise PoC at this customer place wherein we had placed a server and connected it to their various Depots and Manufacturing facilities and also showed connecting to their existing Lifesize HD200 Hardware based VC at the SKNL Headquarters in Mumbai.
Selection Process & Competitors involved in case
We had faced competition from our peers Polycom and LifeSize in this customer place, acquired by us in the month of May 2011. In reference to the requirement specification of Reid & Taylor, the PeopleLink executives initially sent some product brochures to the manager of Reid & Taylor. As the Reid & Taylor group wanted to test the Product, they asked PeopleLink to arrange a demonstration. The executives of PeopleLink have moved to the client location and arranged the set-up. Under the surveillance of the chief manager of Reid & Taylor, PeopleLink had successfully executed the conference session in their congested network and under low bandwidth consumption. Upon experiencing the optimal recital of the PeopleLink product, the chief manger has approved the product.
Business Results achieved by the client
With the aid of the PeopleLink video conferencing solution, Reid & Taylor is now capable of conducting effective communication between their offices. As the solution is letting Reid & Taylor to execute their meetings within a low bandwidth, Reid & Taylor group is successful in cutting down the expenses for bandwidth.