Enhanced Visual Experience With PeopleLink’s AV Solutions At 8 Motilal Oswal Offices

About Motilal Oswal Securities Pvt Ltd.
Motilal Oswal Financial Services Ltd. is a diversified financial services firm offering a range of financial products and services such as Wealth Management, Retail Broking and Distribution, Institutional Broking, Asset Management, Private Equity, Investment Banking, Commodity Broking and Home Finance
Business Requirement / Challenges
Motilal Oswal is a renowned diversified financial Services Company with major businesses across along with a distributed workforce which manages the different operations of the Company. They needed AV accessories for their offices to experience the collaboration more seamlessly.
Technologies Evaluated
Motilal Oswal having a range of AV peripherals and Collaboration tools was evaluating for a Universal and High end AV Accessories which could seamlessly integrate with their existing setup and enhance the experience and utility.
Solutions Deployed
PeopleLink Accessories are currently being used in almost 8 offices of Motilal Oswal Securities. The Solution is well integrated for a seamless and High Definition Audio Visual experience to the User.
Business Results Achieved By Using PeopleLink
- Motilal Oswal Securities has been using the AV Accessories to complement their existing Collaboration tools
- The seamlessness of the solution and the experience enhancement makes the User achieve a faster RoI.
- The quality solution encourages for an enhanced use of them in conducting virtual trainings and meetings with both the Internal and External stakeholders.