Significant Assistance for Orra- For seamless Video Conferencing.

About Orra
Orra is one of India’s finest jewellery retail chains, having spread its glow with 34 stores across 25 cities and has consistently been at the forefront of design leadership and product innovation with 5Global Design Centers.
Business Requirement / Challenges
Orra, One of the finest jewelers wanted to connect with their 35 Stores and 5 Design Centers visually to be able to have frequent discussions pertaining to stock availability, go to market strategy and for understanding the buying patterns from across the Country.
Technologies Evaluated
Orra evaluated various Hardware based Video Conference solutions, but after seeing the PeopleLink demonstration they were convinced about our Video Conference solution. The flexibility, scalability and the ease of use assisted the decisions makers to opt for the solution on Cloud to keep their Infrastructure costs optimized.
Solutions Deployed
Orra is now using PeopleLink Video Collaboration on Cloud for connecting with their 35 Stores and 5 Global Design Centers. By opting for a Cloud based solution, Orra ensures that it achieves the true BYOD platform. There are no restrictions of dedicated boardrooms for utilizing the solution.
Business Results Achieved By Using PeopleLink
- Orra has stepped forward to reduce their time to market by connecting their Sales stores with the design center to manage Supply Demand in a much more optimized manner.
- A Visual Connectivity with 2 way Interactions ensures that the existing setup also helps with surveillance options.
- A Comprehensive visual connectivity shall also be used for conducting regular trainings to ensure a well trained staff across all the stores available.